Code of Conduct

As noted about us, this is a personal project that does not rely on Big Tech or Big Business. All work is done by volunteers. All posts are written by authors who are not paid.

In light of our goals to provide thought-provoking opinion and analysis, that includes the commentary of our readers. To that end, we ask that all comments follow these basic guidelines (and we are under no obligation to publish all comments though our aim is include as many as reasonably possible):

  • Encourage one another.
  • Be reasoned and reasonable.
  • Use an accurate vocabulary.
  • Talk more about concepts and less about people.
  • Know that you may be influencing younger readers.

Put another way, we ask that all comments refrain from the following:

  • Use of profanity. (Profanity is a poor substitute for actual logic.)
  • Issuing physical threats or posting personal attacks.
  • Insulting others. (Why comment on their looks when their idea stinks?)

While our aim is to maximize the flow of the conversation, comments that do not comply with the above values are subject to being removed. That being said, we are under no obligation to police comments for inaccuracy or disparaging language. Instead, readers may flag comments for moderation.